inkCell's code of conduct

rules and regulations, V1.1

1.) posts must be made on post dates. failure to do so results in a fine. repeated offenses will increase the amount of your fines.
  a.)  ronald agrees to update every sunday and thursday.  nathan agrees to update every tuesday and friday.

2.) works presented as unfinished must be shown on completion.

3.) works in progress count as postings.

4.) an art request may be anything, and must be accepted.

5.) everything stated in the blog must be true.

6.) there are to be no collaborations, accept between members.

7.) members may not accrue more than four unfinished projects, doing so incurs the procrastination tax. procrastination taxes are double the total sum of the pot.

8.) contests will be held every other two months.

9.) categories for the contest are selected at the beginning of the two months and showcased at the end.