well, it's been about twelve hours since my last post.
what have i been up to you ask?
and after that i put on some pants and tried to make a flash cartoon.
it was clearly a mixed success. but i'll take it.
the file is a giant. the cartoon is only about five seconds long and it's 15MB, too large to email to my brother even!
i used gif files to animate since the art program of flash and i don't get along. the gifs were grainy too. so i'm going to try again, this time using vector chunks colored in illustrator. which really boils my kettle since i spent the time to color it once already.
oh well, live and learn, eh?

^here's the canadian brawler put together and on his background. the background i slopped together using photoshop and some fancy filters. it only took, like, ten minutes. if only everything were so easy.

^here wolvie is cut apart.
it's like sawing a lady in half on stage and then trying to put her back together while you assemble a jigsaw puzzle.
i need to take a class is this stuff.
i'll try and get a video up here some other time. i'm too eroded to handle that right now.
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