happy friday night!
so, this is a cruel tease, and i know it, and for what it's worth, i am sorry.
i finally, finally finished a painting that a buddy of mine asked me to do way back in december! god! i'm the slowest sack on the face of the planet!
anyway. the painting depicts a character of his, and as such, i shouldn't show off the full image.
but the good news is, on the left of the image is a tentacle monster of my own design, so i'll show you that side.

^ ew. so slimy. the chap who commissioned me, a stand up guy if ever there was one, desired to have a certain roughness to the finished work. so i penciled the image and then painted it, leaving the pencils cloudy. i can't tell you how tempted i was to break out the inks, or the paint markers, or something to bring those lines home! oh well. i also slapped in that blue backdrop and blotted it with paper towels to vary the tone and texture.

^here's a detail of what can jokingly be called this poor monster's face.

^and here's a detail of his thorned tentacles.
i can't describe how great it is to have this baby done and put to bed. it was hanging over me, taunting me, for so long!
ah. one artistic obligation down, what's that leave, like fifteen hundred to go?
i'm a horrible person.
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