Ok, so I started trying to complete the things on my mind in 15 minute increments.However, I found this ideal only really works for sketches, nearly finished pieces, and non- art related projects. I'm still going to use it and after my post you'll understand why.
This week I hung out with my nephew and had too much fun.But, thanks to my 15 minute method I still was able to maintain a nice flow of production. I rejoined the ranks of professional influencesors known as teachers. Here is my cartoon event flyer. If you know of any kids 7-10 who art starting to know more about art than you can handle look into a summer drawing course, I wish I would've been in one, that's for sure.

Now that I'm done with that plug...lol. I've been doing 15 mins. practice on several pieces and Mega Manjust happens to be one of the ones I'm practicing on. We're getting close, but,for some reason some details I can't seem to figure. This particular style is supposed to have an ambiguous lighting effect.If the light source follows natural law,the image just plain sucks...I've seen it...it's not pretty.But,this image is more complex even given the subject matter.Take a look at my progress.

I'll be finished soon, but,may take a serious look at prActicing on this one again.
Last is a painting that will be done by next Sunday.This is a fourth project but, I love using gouache like materials...lol....lol. It's a platypus.There are more of these to come btw.I at least must do a Chicken or chick, an Orca, and a Fox. Watch out for tiny animals you just might get one.

man, your little platypus is awesome.