good day bloggies and blogettes!
i'm in bustling new york city right now, crashing in a tiny apartment while the girl i'm here to visit works on her masters stuff.
cut off as i am from my scanners and photoshop and the like i don't have too much to share today, but i didn't want today to slip by with nothing!

^it's a tiny horribly proportioned spider-man! in honor of the big NYC!
i doodled him on the back of a postcard for an nyu music event. then took a picture with my digital camera.
so what have we learned?
digital cameras < scanner (when it comes to art)
bristol board > postcard (when it comes to drawing)
live and learn.
also pictured is 'the invisible man.' by h.g. wells, the book i'm reading right now. it's vastly better than i expected it to be! never underestimate a classic i guess, after all, it's a classic for a reason, right?
now, if you'll excuse me, i'm going to go spend every cent i've ever made on toys, books, imports, and delicious food.
capitalism + the big apple = me broke and happy.
end math lesson!
proper scan here. v

i'm surprised that i held onto that little postcard...
I've learned so much. Glad you're having fun and keeping up the posts. I have not adjusted well tio life after SPACE. I have been doing work, but, I'll be back to posting this Thursday, for true!