happy friday everyone!
today's post contains not one but two, count them! TWO inside jokes.
now, a sane person might be asking what the point is of sharing an inside joke in a public forum?
but they wouldn't be thinking about this blog now would they?
this isn't a public forum, amirite?

^my father has several nicknames for my mother. at first glance they don't seem very complimentary. but my mother, god bless her, she wears them with pride. it might help that he first called her "the queen of toads" when she was beating him soundly at Yahtzee (or was it mumblety-peg? i don't recall).
it's my mom's birthday today. she's young at heart, so it doesn't matter that i don't know how old she is does it? i wouldn't tell you anyways. that's rude.

^and now friends, a tribute to sammy. if ever a dog could have been a creme puff it was her. she was once and ever shall be the marshmallow dog to me.
you're a king among men.