for starters, i need to make a public retraction. and something of an apology.
you see ron, you know ron, the other guy who updates on this site, and i were talking 'shop' one day. and i bashed his use of a .9 mechanical pencil with blue lead.
then i accidently bought one so i tried it with blue lead, and i have to say, it rocks.
no really, it does!
i have a lead holder loaded with blue lead, i started the drawing below with that, just ghosting in shapes. then i switched to the .9 and refined the drawing. if i had needed an extra step for clarity i could have penciled it again with graphite, but on a lumpy cartoon head like this i just went at it with ink.
i still don't know how well the blue will erase, which was one of my complaints with blue lead prior to this outing. which baffles some people like it's a logical paradox or something. why would you ever need to erase non-repro blue?
because i make a lot of mistakes and revisions, and the hint of an old drawing can mess me up. it's a weakness of mine, i have several.
i've also had trouble in the past with the non-repro being repro because i laid it on too heavy.
for now it's all fun. i had a blast drawing lumpy head here.
i think i sketched him on saturday, and i've been dying to ink him for days.
he combines all the things i love to draw, giant noses, droop faces, and soft serve hair. with a moustache thrown in for good measure even!

i wanted him to be saying something a bit profound, and yet dumb.
so i retooled this francis bacon quote:
"For a crowd is not company; and faces are but a gallery of pictures; and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love."
thanks francis!
My last message didn't take. I said:
ReplyDeleteVery well done, my friend, the inks are once again masterful. Love the pic, love the message.
I'm getting a set of microns again. I'm going to make my own attempts in the world of Black & White. Thanks for setting the bar so high.
thanks ron!
ReplyDeletei can't tell you how excited i am to see your new microns in action, the world of black and white needs more powerhouses.