Well, I'm finally posting after missing three times in a row. Truth is I got a bit too accustomed to my time off. That time was sooo relaxing and SPACE was such a nice experience my head was still in the clouds when I returned. But, now I've, both feet on sturdy ground and while this is a meager post it is still a post.

Unfortunately this was all I could muster in 30 mins. I had a long chat with a friend of mine and fed the BEAST that is FACEBOOK. This little Leia is special to me though. It commemorates the End of Series 1 & the beginning of series 2. That's right I'm not finished shrinking the Star Wars Universe. This Leia is the First of the new set. Though this is just for fun, I'd like to finish all the ones I've written down. And because this is just for fun after the third series I am done. The Buck doesn't stop there,though, stop by and see some of the future creations and make a request if you dare, I love deforming hit characters and am always up for a challenge. Now that I'm back on track who knows what I'll post on Sunday.
welcome back, sir! it's been lonesome without you!